Thursday, November 19, 2015




12 November 2015

Evil vs Good

Before this chaos started, the world was dark and lonely. It was dark and lonely because evil was taking over. Until one day, a god named Timmy he had multiple powers. His army was half monster/humans with powers. The evil king was named Jimmy, which he was a demon. Jimmy, the big bad demon devil, saw Timmy advanced with his army because he did not want Jimmy to be the leader of half of the world anymore. Because, Timmy wanted to rule the world with good not evil. So, he brought his army which Jimmy wasn’t ready to fight but he organized his army very quickly.

The beginning of the battle, Timmy and Jimmy both meet in the middle of the battle field which was dry trees, black sky, had flames everywhere in the field, and spots of red in the sky as well. They both talked and argued for couple of minutes, until Jimmy’s army set a bomb and threw it to the other side and blew up five people and were killed. When Timmy saw it he charged and attacked Jimmy and the war lasted about fifteen years. It was a gory, bloody and horrifying fight ever. Which was that whoever the survivor was would lead both worlds and make it a better place or a horrible place to live in.

Timmy’s son, which he was only a baby he was the ruler of the world when he was fifteen years old. He made a beautiful, most amazing place to live in because that’s what his father would want and his mother. Lastly, Timmy’s sons name is Jacob and was the ruler of the whole world and was making it a better place to live and continuing his legacy just like his father did to fight for greatness.